DeafDigest - 25 March 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 25, 2015   -- a slowly growing role of deaf pilots We have a good number of deaf pilots. And we have an organization - Deaf Pilots Association, Inc. It advocates the rights and needs of deaf pilots. One thing about deaf pilots is interesting - that almost all of them are recreational pilots. Many hearing pilots fly airplanes for a living, not that so with the deaf. Slowly this is changing - a deaf businessman uses his plane for business 95 percent of a time. And a new deaf pilot will be using her airplane to deliver supplies for the family business.   -- a comment that angered Marlee Matlin As a young actress, Marlee Matlin won an Oscar, a honor that made many actors jealous of her. A comment made her very angry. Rex Reed, a well-known movie critic said that Marlee won only because of the "pity" vote. Well, to date, she has 56 career acting credits and this number will be growing as long as she continues to act. How many acting credits does famous actress Jennifer Aniston have? Just 55 credits, one less than Marlee!   -- a new interpreting law that is scary In Tennessee, a legislator has proposed a new bill - that is scary. In cases of domestic issues that ask for police assistance, volunteer interpreters do not have to be certified nor knowledgeable in ASL. While family members would not be allowed to interpret, this bill is more harmful than helpful. Yes, deaf agencies are fighting this bill.   Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 3/22/15 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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