DeafDigest - 25 May 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 25, 2011

__A picture of "Captioned Eyeglassses"
Last week, Yahoo News ran a series of "LIFE's Dumb Inventions"
Picture #2 shows an invention in 1963, called "T.V. Glasses".
Does it look like the future "Captioned Eyeglasses"?

A deaf moviegoer said:
There were some captioned glasses that are kind of like that
and none of them are really commercial-ready, and probably won't
be for another few years. And would it be like watching a TV
two inches from the screen?
The link is:

__ Seattle interpreting crisis in the future?
For years Seattle Central Community College, through its
famed Interpreter Training Program, has provided the Seattle
metro area with interpreters. This training pipeline may be
severed if Dr Paul Kilpatrick, the college president has its
way. The college is broke, and to save money, he wants to
abolish the interpreting program. Yes, the Deaf Community is

__ Italian Monkey Sign Language?????
In 1978, an oral deaf leader gave a speech that said anyone using ASL
is behaving like a monkey. The NAD was upset, and Agbell apologized.
Well, is this happening in Italy soon? A bill is in the Italian
parliament to replace Lingua dei Segni Italiana (Italian Sign
Language) with Lingua dei Segni Italiana (Italian Hearing Gestures).
A joke? No. Seems some lawmakers are being influenced by some
parents that are anti-sign language and pro-CI. Currently angry
deaf leaders are wondering if hearing people want them to become
monkeys! Remember Italy hosted the infamous 1880 Milan Conference!

__ Ordered to take off hearing aid in Arizona
A mainstreamed basketball player in Arizona was ordered by the
referee to take off his hearing aid during a basketball game.
Very upset about it, the player's mother filed a protest with the
Arizona Interscholastic Association, wanting to have the referee
punished. The mother was barking at the wrong tree - because this
small private high school did not belong to that state athletic
association - and the state athletic official told her they have
nothing to do with the non-member schools!

__ One of the best gamers in Peru is a deaf man
In Peru, life is not good for the deaf; discrimination is
bad; finding a job is almost impossible. Aldo Cauvi, a
young deaf man said he needed something in life to keep
going on. This is why he got heavily involved with a game
called "Gears of War 3" - and currently he is the best
in Peru. He said hearing opponents were jealous and sent
him nasty messages. He just ignores them and continues
with that he is best at - with Gears of War 3

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