DeafDigest - 25 November 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 25, 2014 -- a Deaf Sauce for deaf barbecue lovers Do you love sauce with your meals? Do we have a Deaf Sauce brewed by a deaf person? Yes. Deaf Man's Barbecue Sauce is being brewed and sold by Rasool, Pasadena, California, who goes by his single name. He is a former Gallaudet basketball player years ago. How good is the barbecue sauce? His ads say it was ranked #17 among world's top 100 barbecue sauces. DeafDigest editor, who loves sauces, is tempted to taste it!   -- a deaf actress many of us never heard of Patty Dwyer? Who is she? We would shrug our shoulders. She is deaf and has been acting for 20 years in theater, television shows, movies, and commercials. It is said she can either play deaf roles or hearing roles with ease. If you watched "The Christmas Dragon" or the "The Man on Carrion Road" or the "Day Zero" she was in it. Where is she from? Utah.   -- deaf trapped behind  several locked doors! A deaf man accompanied his deaf girl friend who wanted to visit a family member that was hospitalized in the Toronto ICU unit. The hospital could only be entered through several rooms of locked doors on two sides of the wall. To open the locked door, one has to use the wall phone. The deaf man kicked on the door many times, until the hospital worker heard the noise and opened the door. This was just the first locked door with several more locked doors to go through. He is not happy about it and vented his anger on the Facebook.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 11/23/14 Blue edition at: 11/23/14 Gold edition at:

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