DeafDigest - 25 November 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 25, 2016   -- a hard-working deaf farmer Few days ago an obituary was published in a Saskatechewan newspaper, honoring Willie Hanelt, a deaf farmer in Benson, a tiny town of 400 people. He worked on the family farm and did everything that had to be done - hauling grain, feeding the cattle, doing the farm recordkeeping, identifying the better bulls at auctions, maintaining the garden surrounding the family home, etc. Whatever had to be done, he would do it. When he was young, he had a choice - between attending a school for the deaf or staying home as a family farmer. He chose farming, and never regretting it. He is a Deaf Success story in Canada, though not too many deaf people outside of Saskatechewan knew about. A picture is at:   -- deaf woman teaching hearing women to protect themselves Zaineb Abdulla, who is deaf and a resident of Chicago, looks weak - just over five feet tall and weighing just over 100 pounds. Yet she teaches hearing Muslim women how to protect themselves when they're out in the public. She teaches them defensive moves in case they're physically threatened. She is an officer with the Deaf Planet Soul, a social service agency that empowers the deaf to fight for their rights. Yet it is hearing women that come to her!   -- a cruel Kansas power utility company Is Kansas City Power and Light Company cruel? This company turned off power at the house where a seriously ill deaf child lived. She depends on electricity to keep her support systems running. Her condition was so bad that a local hospital told the power company not to shut off electricity. The power company ignored the request and still shut off the power. It made the local news. Fortunately for the deaf child, an anonymous person came forward and paid the outstanding electrical bill. The family was too impoverished to be able to keep up with the payments.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- dog fools deaf master 11/20/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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