DeafDigest - 25 October 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 25, 2017   -- Airport Deaf/Disability Services For experienced deaf travelers, airports are not that confusing. But for deaf people who do not travel that much, then airports can be confusing and even terrifying. At the Los Angeles airport, there is ADA Coordinator for the Office of Disability Services – Los Angeles World Airpor. Do other big airports have this such service? The big question is - what if there is a Deaf Incident while the airplane leaves USA? If it is a foreign airline, is it bound by ADA while over the ocean or over foreign land? A picture is at:   -- activist says dangerous for deaf to call the cops John W. Whitehead, not deaf, is an activist attorney. He wrote an article which headlined: Don’t Call the Cops If You’re Autistic, Deaf, Mentally Ill, Disabled or Old He pointed out to several cases of deaf people, asking for police assistance, and instead, being shot by them. Does he have a point? Well, did the cops know in advance of the person's deafness? What if the deaf person, out of panic, used wild gestures, scaring off the cops?   -- these sign-language kiosks There was a story today saying that the sign language kiosk market is booming. This market involves five major kiosk manufacturers - not just in USA but in other foreign nations. This is great for deaf customers entering a deaf-friendly store, instead of dealing with deaf-unfriendly stores.     Latest deaf jobs - latest Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Tricks of trade of a newspaper reporter that was deaf 10/22/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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