DeafDigest - 25 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 25, 2013 -- a bad captioning suggestion A lawsuit has been filed against University of Maryland for not captioning their scoreboards at their two arenas - the Comcast and Byrd fieldhouses. University of Maryland said scoreboard captions are NOT important because fans can use their tablets or smartphones to catch the mobile captions. It is a sick suggestion - fans cannot watch the small captions on their devices and watch the game at the same time. Also, wifi and satellite connections are often up and down in indoor facilities anywhere, including Maryland.     -- famous deaf musician Evelyn Glennie's biggest fear Evelyn Glennie, a deaf percussionist, is one of the world's most famous musicians. She cannot hear music, but feels the vibrations on her bare feet while playing the instruments. What is her biggest fear? That she would feel the different vibrations and then play the instruments with wrong beats, thus confusing the audience!     -- making fun on Facebook of a woman's deafness Kevin Hector, a Briton, was arrested for making fun on Facebook of a woman's deafness. The court decided that he will not go to jail - but instead - must perform 100 hours of community service within six months. If he does not finish the service, he will go to jail. Also, he was fired from his job. The deaf woman did not know that she was posted on Facebook until her friends told her about it.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/22/13 Blue edition at: 09/22/13 Gold edition at:

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