DeafDigest - 26 April 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 26, 2013 -- a deaf school has more offices than students A deaf school has more offices than students. These offices are not for the deaf school programs, but for the local government agencies! People are complaining that school cannot accept new students because of no classroom space. Terrible? Yes. Where in USA is that school? No, it is Lady Noyce Senior Secondary School for the Deaf in New Delhi, India.     -- a deaf postmaster of a small town post office Greenwood, Nebraska is a tiny town, with just nearly 600 people. It has a new postmaster, Jonathan Arteaga-Arceo, a graduate of Gallaudet University and a former employee with the US Department of Health and Human Services. Town residents have learned how to communicate with him - gestures, notes, 2-way keyboarding, speaking slowly, etc. And yes, the post office has these alerting devices. He originally attended Nebraska School for the Deaf, and when the school closed permanently, he transferred to Iowa School for the Deaf.     -- be careful of street gestures on your travels You may travel to Paris or Rome or any other big European city and see street people begging for money or trying to sell some junk stuff. Some of them pretend to be deaf by using gestures that you may think is their own national sign language! Just walk away because you may be robbed at the same time you try to understand their fake-sign gestures.     04/21/13 Blue edition at: 04/21/13 Gold edition at:

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