DeafDigest - 26 April 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 26, 2018 -- senseless anger towards deaf people A deaf clerk in a supermarket was assaulted by an angry hearing person, who was asking for assistance, thinking the request was ignored. This is not the first time. Deaf people have been assaulted for using ASL, thinking gesturing was disrespectful. Police officers have confronted deaf people for this reason. Years ago in DC, an angry George Washington University student, selling donuts to raise funds, yelled at DeafDigest editor who was walking by. The student, thinking he was being ignored, ran after the editor. Fortunately, the fellow students restrained him! A picture is at:   -- a deaf girl shocking hearing security people Sara Kovaliov, a 16-year old deaf Israeli girl, won the silver medal at the Jiu Jitsu Under-18 World Championship. At the airport in Abu Dhabi, a security guard asked her to follow him to a room. She was worried that it was a national security issue. She was wrong. The security people were shocked that a deaf girl would win a world championship silver medal against hearing competitors. They gave her an expensive watch as a gift!   -- considered as trouble-maker parents Hearing parents that seek additional mainstreamed classroom support for their deaf children are considered as trouble-makers! This was the opinion of some weary teachers and school administrators.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- ASL interpreters with ASL teachers 04/22/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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