DeafDigest - 26 August 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 26, 2020 -- police arrests an important person A very important person among the deaf is the interpreter. Andrew Tolman was interpreting for the deaf during one of these riots in Portland. And for reasons, no one knows why, he was pushed to the ground by the police and then arrested. The big irony was that the arresting police officer did not know what to charge the interpreter with. Despite the arrest, the county District Attorney would not prosecute people on these vague charges.   -- the deaf architects How many American architects are deaf or hard of hearing? The American Institute of Architects said they have 121 members that have hearing loss. How many of them use ASL? Do not know.   -- open captions hard to read at drive ins Do drive ins show open captioned movies? Do not know but it was said that it may be possible these open captions may be hard to read while sitting in cars. Reason is lights from nearby cars and nearby buildings!   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/23/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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