DeafDigest - 26 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 26, 2013 -- Deaf Owl TV company Deaf Owl Productions was a British all-deaf TV production company that produced few TV programs for the deaf during the early nineties. It only lasted two years. Five deaf British individuals were involved in this TV business. Why Deaf Owl? The name came up in discussions at a British pub! Why did it go out of business? Many reasons - slow technology, outdated TV equipment, time consuing work involved, a bad-attitude interpreter that served as camera man, high expenses and low income, etc. They are saying it may be the world's first all-deaf TV production company. DeafDigest is not sure.     -- Restaurant Sign Language At a fancy and expensive restaurant in Washington, DC, the general manager uses RSL to communicate with the waiters, the runners and the bus boys. RSL has 10 different signs - Important customer, wedding anniversary customer, birthday customer, hurry up and clean table, wine menu, more bottled water, more sparkling water, more tap water, more bread and customer needing help. The general manager said these signs, instead of voices, help save 45 seconds on each table request. Next time you go to a nice restaurant, do see if the general manager uses his own silent gestures! Some of these signs may be the same as our ASL.   -- Helping a deaf tourist at the airport A deaf tourist from China arrived at an airport in Indiana alone with no one around to help him. He was confused; the airport volunteers could not communicate with him. What did the volunteers do? They took him to a Chinese restaurant near the airport. This deaf tourist was able to communicate by notes with the restaurant workers. They gave him directions to the address he wanted to visit.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/22/13 Blue edition at: 12/22/13 Gold edition at:  

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