DeafDigest - 26 December 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 26, 2016   -- deaf attraction at a vacation resort At a vacation resort in Madh Island, off the shores of Mumbai, a big attraction is a Christmas Crib. It has been designed and built by Anthony Estibero. He is deaf and a long-time resort employee. Every year at Christmas time, he works on the crib - where tourists come to watch in awe. A picture is at:   -- a strange technological claim DeepMind is a British artificial intelligence company. There was a story about this company working with Oxford University to develop a lipreading machine that will help improve movie and TV captions. What does lipreading have to do with movie/TV captions?   -- pulling deaf customers into auto dealership Fox, an auto dealership in Michigan, has a sign language general manager. He is the one that signs in these TV commercials. Does it help? The dealership says nearly ten deaf customers come in every month to purchase vehicles. True or a fake claim? Very possibly true!   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- early TV model 12/25/16 Blue and Gold editions at: ..................................................................... We want to wish you all a happy Holidays!! Remember ..if you careful See the video below on: The HealthBridges Team

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