DeafDigest - 26 December 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 26, 2017 -- deaf actress and her hands A deaf actress made this comment: Using my hands to find my voice A picture is at:   -- deaf divided in half in a church A deaf person who attends worship services regularly in a deaf-operated church told DeafDigest editor something interesting. The church is attended by deaf people that graduated from deaf schools and also by mainstreamed deaf people. Do they mingle together? No - one half of the church is seated by mainstreamed people and the other half by those from deaf schools. And even during the after-service reception, both groups are still split apart! He said he was not too happy about it.   -- news programs captions Deaf people watching captioned news programs may not realize one thing. It is that when the program shows people from other nations, the captions are in English, but the voices these people speak are not in English! Hearing people know it, but many deaf people don't know it.     Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- chess is a dangerous sport 12/24/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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