DeafDigest - 26 December 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 26, 2018   -- a comment by ASL teacher, true or not true In a newspaper interview with ASL teacher, he said that most of his hearing students, would at one time or other, in their lives, bump into a deaf person. True or not true? There have been many, many hearing people that have never met a deaf person in their lives. This is different from a family member that is deaf, or a fellow employee that is deaf or a next door neighbor that is deaf or a deaf teammate on a hearing sports team, and so on.   -- #1 priority with deaf needs What is the #1 priority with these deaf needs? Is it education, employment, interpreting, access to services, etc? Or is it captions for TV and movies? This was the issue a deaf leader brought up in a newspaper interview.   -- best interpreters in a rural state A deaf leader (in a rural state) said that his interpreters are the best. DeafDigest hopes it is true because many rural towns have problems keeping their interpreters. They move to bigger cities where they feel interpreting opportunities are better.   Deaf jobs – latest update 12/23/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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