DeafDigest - 26 February 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 26, 2014 -- A deaf convention was a surprise for a deaf woman In 2012, Tina Webb, a deaf graduate of North Carolina School for the Deaf, attended a deaf convention in Las Vegas. She grew up as an adopted daughter of a hearing family. At the convention she bumped into a deaf South Korean leader. Anxious to know about her real parents that gave her up for adoption, she asked this leader some questions, using Google Translate. Much to her shock, the deaf leader knew her birth father from work! It led to a joyful family reunion in South Korea. Back home in North Carolina she works with deaf adults at group homes.     -- ugly small town politics Selah is a small town in Washington with just 7,000 residents. And small town politics can be ugly. Ashleigh Elizabeth Rice, a deaf woman, was a lifeguard at the Selah swimming pool. When the old mayor was replaced by a new mayor, she lost her lifeguard job. Said a person familiar with the situation, someone forced the new mayor to remove the deaf woman from her job. Luckily, few weeks later the new mayor changed mind and gave the old job back to her. Politics should never interfere with lifesaving skills at the swimming pool!     -- a deaf social worker with an interesting background Rosa Guzman, who is deaf, is a clinical social worker in Massachusetts. She works with deaf clients that need counseling. On the side she teaches ASL at a local college. There is another side to her - a professional bikini and figure competitor that have won prizes in competitive programs. It looks like bodybuilding but it is not. In bodybuilding, judges look for extreme muscles. In figures, judges look for the best figures. A while ago DeafDigest mentioned a deaf bodybuilder, which is what Rosa is not. Confusing? Yes!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 02/23/14 Blue edition at: 02/23/14 Gold edition at:

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