DeafDigest - 26 February 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 26, 2015   -- a deaf racer gets a big sponsor We have some deaf auto racers that have not been able to get sponsors. Racing is an expensive hobby for them. For famous racers such as Dale Earnhardt, Jr, they get sponsorship money. Anyway, Caleb McDuff is deaf and he is a racer. And he recently won a big sponsorship deal from an oil company. It is amazing. Why? Because Caleb is only 7 years old! He races go-karts in Great Britain and as he gets older he will move to big cars. How was he able to get a major sponsor? Possibly because his father is a car mechanic with contacts among oil companies!     -- these deaf child signs We see many "Deaf Child" signs everywhere. Many of these signs are still posted even though the deaf children have grown up and have moved out of the neighborhoods. Anyway one big city rejects these deaf child signs. It is Fort Worth, Texas. Why the rejection? The explanation from the city says many drivers pay no attention to these deaf signs and still drive fast, anway!   -- not good news for deaf driver in accident DeafDigest mentioned several times this past summer that a scared deaf driver, trapped in his car with his family, drove through the crowd that was celebrating the Zombie Walk in San Diego. He drove away after being attacked by one of these paraders. He then got into an accident. The cops did not arrest him and let him go. But seven months later, the San Diego County District Attorney has charged the deaf driver with a felony. The deaf driver's attorney is now fighting the case. Trial takes place next month.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 2/22/15 Blue edition at: 2/22/15 Gold edition at:

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