DeafDigest - 26 February 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 26, 2018 -- a new way of finding money for a discriminatin lawsuit Lawsuits cost money because attorneys must be paid. And it is always expensive. A deaf organization wanted to file a lawsuit over discrimination over lack of interpreters. What did they do to find money? Crowdfunding! A picture is at:   -- joining the NRA boycott List of corporations joining the NRA boycott is getting longer. Any deaf-related businesses? There is one - Starkey Hearing, known as the nation's biggest hearing aid company, has joined the boycott.   -- these TV storm warning interpreters Said a former interpreter, who has this habit of watching the interpreters during these TV storm warnings: Watching TV storm warnings - some of those interpreters are pretty bad, in this country.   It is still disappointing.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- a deaf counterfeiter 02/25/18 Blue and Gold editions at:

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