DeafDigest - 26 February 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 26, 2021 -- can remember or can't remember during emergency The apartment manager knows a deaf tenant. Yet when there is an emergency that requires residents to vacate the premises, would that apartment manager remember that deaf tenant?   -- an old crime TV movie In an old TV movie, a criminal was arrested and the police said he was deaf and dumb. Years ago deaf people were often called as deaf and dumb. While it was a common phrase, it is never that acceptable! Dummy Hoy, the baseball legend? Well, this is a debate good for another time!   -- comparing deaf waiter with a hearing waiter a restaurant critic, that was served by a deaf waiter, said they perform much better, taking orders and serving orders and handling menu specials and menu problems as compared to hearing waiters! It is not a surprise.   Deaf jobs - latest update 02/21/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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