DeafDigest - 26 January 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 26, 2016 -- discovering lost Deaf Films Deaf people took movies of deaf events many years ago. These films had been "lost" until just now. These films have been restored and shown at a big Deaf Movie event in Great Britain. Four pictures at:   -- vibrating sailboats Do sailboats vibrate to help the deaf? Not really, but there was one sailboat - named Tenacius. It just went through the Panama Canal with a deaf and disabled crew. In the cabins where the deaf sleep, the pads on the floor vibrate to alert them. We have few deaf that are sailboat instructors, but do they have vibrating sailboats? Doubt it!   -- not deaf and can't hear In an interview yesterday, a hearing person, talking about a deaf person, said "she is not deaf; she just can't hear." This is a strange comment - a deaf person cannot hear.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 01/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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