DeafDigest - 26 July 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 26, 2013 -- India's national deaf tennis champion wins lawsuit Parul Gupta won the national India deaf women's tennis championship, qualifying her for the Deaflympics. India would not allow her to go to Deaflympics. Her angry father filed a lawsuit. The Delhi High Court agreed with her, and allowed her to compete! Why did India say no? India says no money to send her to Deaflympics!     -- testing athletes' deafness over 3,000 deaf athletes are now at the Deaflympics. They must have a hearing loss of 55dB or higher in the better ear. Do some athletes cheat on their deafness? Yes, some do. There is a group of professional audiologists that will randomnly test five percent of these athletes (around 150 of them) for their deafness. When asked to be tested, these athletes cannot avoid or run away or hide from audiologists!     -- why no captions on one TV news program? In Tulsa, a TV news program was not captioned. Why? A bad storm wrecked the captioning equipment. This is what the TV station manager told the deaf community. The TV people have been trying to fix the captioning equipment but it takes some time.     07/21/13 Blue edition at: 07/21/13 Gold edition at: Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest

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