DeafDigest - 26 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 26, 2016 -- best TV series that represented the deaf There was an article that praised the old Star Trek series as the best for using deaf and disabled actors. It mentioned deaf actor Howard Seago as Riva, using telepathy to communicate with his three interpreters. And that when Captain Picard spoke to the interpreter, Riva scolded him for bad manners. A picture is at:   -- classroom clapping not permitted Deaf people wave their hands instead of clapping. At a school in Sydney, Australia, classroom clapping is not permitted. Why? The teacher is deaf and the school administration wanted to show respect for her deafness!   -- Australia not allowing deaf jurors There is a case in High Court right now in Australia (equivalent to our Supreme Court) concerning Gaye Lyon, a deaf woman, not allowed to serve on jury. Well, there was a big case in Pennsylvania during the mid-eighties on the same thing. The deaf woman won and was able to serve on a jury. It came at a big price - $5,000 in legal fees. If it happened today, it would be $15,000-$20,000.   please visit: Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- blacksmith, deaf 07/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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