DeafDigest - 26 July 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 26, 2017   -- sign language music machine An invention is coming up in Japan. A juke box is connected to a machine that makes drinks (both soft and hard). If music is great, the drink is great. If music is bad, the drink is bitter. This is for the hearing people. What about the deaf? The inventors said: It gives the deaf a way to enjoy music Not exactly sure what this means. Sign language gestures producing sweet and bitter drinks depending on the music? Just have to wait until the machine hits the market place. A picture is at:   -- hospital advocate for the deaf A hospital has just hired a deaf person as advocate for deaf patients. Sorry, this hospital is not in USA, but in Canada - the Health Sciences North in Sudbury, Ontario. If Canada could hire a Hospital Deaf Advocate, then American hospitals could also do the same!   -- the deaf as an airline passenger Airlines (Delta, Frontier, Southwest, United, etc) do not permit deaf passengers to sit in the exit rows due to emergency issues. If a deaf person is "accidentally" placed in the exit row, he will be moved to a different row. Even hard of hearing passengers cannot sit in the exit rows either. This topic was posted in a facebook page.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf instructor in medical school 7/23/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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