DeafDigest - 26 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 26, 2019 -- world's youngest interpreting student Ifeanyi Obiego, just 8-years old, is the world's youngest interpreting student. He is a Coda and an agency, after watching him interpret as a volunteer, was so impressed and immediately awarded him a scholarship to attend a interpreting program. Not happening in USA because of child labor laws - but it is happening in Lagos, Nigeria. A great idea? Certainly no; just let him grow up first.   -- Rochester as a booming deaf community Daily Beast, a web site devoted to local news and stories, ran a long article about Rochester, NY as a deaf-community hub for two reasons - Rochester School for the Deaf and NTID. It said many deaf people stay in the area, and for that reason, it has become deaf-friendly. It parallels these deaf friendly locales of Washington, DC, Austin, and others.     -- the hated, and confusing, wording An agency put out this wording that not only is hated, but confusing. It says: Sign language interpreter services will be provided only upon request, with notice as far in advance as possible, but no less than three full business days prior to the day of the event. It punishes last-minute interpreting requests but does not punish hearing people that show up at the last minute!     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/21/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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