DeafDigest - 26 June 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 26, 2017   -- a new hair clip for the deaf A new hair clip for the deaf? It is called the Ontenna (not to be confused with antenna). It is supposed to help the deaf hear all kinds of sounds that go through their hair! Not sure how it works with deaf men with clean shaved head? A picture is at:   -- Pittsburgh proposed change of bus stops may be a problem A hot issue in Pittsburgh is a proposed changes of bus stops. There is a bus stop near the Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf (PAD), but the proposed new stop would be one block away. It may affect the deaf-blind residents of Pittsburgh. Each month PAD hosts a social event for the deaf-blind. Concern is that if the deaf-blind need to walk an extra block to reach PAD, it may cause problems for them!   -- typical interpreter training program Is there such a thing as a typical interpreter training program? Let us take William Woods University (Fulton, Missouri) as the typical one. It is one of 41 such interpreting programs at colleges across the nation. This university has 60 interpreting students plus 85 on-line interpreting students. Typical or not? Doesn't matter - the more qualified interpreters we have, the better it is for us!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- reasons employers won't hire the deaf 6/25/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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