DeafDigest - 26 June 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 26, 2018 -- reading skills important in restaurant kitchens Deaf people face discrimination when they want to work in restaurant kitchens. A restaurant boss said: Many restaurants don't hire the deaf and I don't understand why. As long as kitchen cooks can read the notes, they can work. Doesn't matter if they are deaf or hearing? A picture is at:   -- four railroad derailments in two months A railyard yard manager, not deaf, complained that that his railroad company had four derailed trains in two months. It was not on the railroad tracks, but in the railroad repair yard. Asked if these hearing employees follow procedures to get trains moved from one track to another track, the manager said: they have eyes and they just don't see!   Deaf people have eyes and they see because they cannot hear. Hearing people have ears and they often don't use it.   -- Mercedes Benz and the deaf Mercedes Benz is one of the best automobiles in the world. Their mechanics are so important that this automaker hires full time recruiters to look for skilled mechanics everywhere. Could deaf mechanics work on Mercedes Benz cars? There was a story of four deaf mechanics working on a Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van. They work together, using hand signals and gestures because they cannot shout out instructions!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- first deaf public protest 06/24/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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