DeafDigest - 26 June 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 26, 2019 -- a dumb police arrest Police officers in a New Jersey town responded to a yelling incident between a deaf neighbor and a hearing neighbor. When the police arrived, the deaf woman positioned herself in front of them in order to communicate better with them. The scared police officers arrested her for "interference" with official police duties! As a result, a lawsuit is forthcoming in that town.   -- deaf travel needs same or little different A travel agent said that the needs of deaf travelers are a little different from hearing travelers. Little different? The deaf enjoy traveling as much as hearing do so the difference isn't there. The only difference is communication accessibility.   -- angry CI user at workplace A CI user was angry. She was scolded by her boss for "not understanding" voice tones when hearing employees communicate with her. She said that her CI does not help her follow the tones. Her CI helps her understand the hearing speech, but not the tones (high frequency, low frequency, etc).     Deaf jobs - latest update 06/23/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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