DeafDigest - 26 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 26, 2020 -- deaf in deaf roles or deaf in hearing roles A deaf actress said in an interview that she prefers to play hearing roles than to play deaf roles, hoping it will be a trend. This is a risk - more deaf roles for deaf actors than hearing roles for deaf actors!   Just announced is another Starbucks Deaf Cafe, this time in Japan. It will be Starbucks' 5th Deaf Cafe. The first four are located in Malaysia (two of them), China and Washington, DC. More Deaf Cafes coming up? There are none in New York, Rochester, Los Angeles, Chicago, Austin and Fremont, these high deaf-population areas.   -- a past Deaf Hobby A past Deaf Hobby was filling out newspaper crossword puzzles. This hobby was popular among some linotype operators who were deaf. They would read (and type) all day at work, and so filling out these crossword puzzles at home was second nature to them. Not any more these days.   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/21/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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