DeafDigest - 26 March 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 26, 2019 -- deaf not watching captions Some deaf people do not watch captions even though these are turned on the TV. Their reason is that it is hard to follow the captions and the action shown on the screen. This was posted on a tweet today.   -- priority: hearing aid or social life A social service agency refused to give a deaf man $7,100 to allow him to purchase a hearing aid, but gave him $10,600 to spend on his social life needs. It didn't happen in USA but in Australia. The deaf man's family is angry about it and would not touch a cent until this issue is resolved.   -- Seattle could require captions on public TV sets Seattle may require businesses and public facilities to turn on their TV captions - if the city government passes the bill. Hope it does.       Deaf jobs - latest update 03/24/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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