DeafDigest - 26 March 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 26, 2020 -- wearing a cape or not An interpreter said: Not all heroes wear capes This is an unusual comment; many people, including interpreters, work in important professions, but we do not always consider them heroes. These heroes are those that jump into burning buildings to save lives. Interpreters do not jump into burning buildings. They interpret important things the deaf people need to know.   -- movies involving Deaf Smith Steve Baldwin, who is deaf and is the nation's #1 authority on Deaf Smith, said there were about 10 movies that had Deaf Smith roles. And these "Deaf Smith" actors were either terrible or phonies. The best Deaf Smith actor was in the movie - Texas Rising. Those that want to know all about Deaf Smith can go to, courtesy of Steve Baldwin.   -- deaf denied a job in prison industry administration The California Prison Industry Authority oversees over 100 industries in 35 state prisons. A deaf person applied for an administrative job and was turned dwon because of his deafness. They said it is a dangerous work environment for a deaf person. He filed a lawsuit and won and the prison industry group promised not to let it happen again.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/22/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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