DeafDigest - 26 May 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 26, 2014 -- A Deaf $10.00 USA Gold Coin for more information and pictures of both sides of the coin, click on:   -- a big Veterans Administration mess has involved a deaf person There have been stories of a big scandal with the Veterans Administration, involving cover-ups, faked accounting statements, physical threats, etc. A deaf employee in the Las Vegas VA office saw things that were not right and became a whistle-blower. As a result, he has been physically threatened and threatened with employment termination. It was a big story in the Las Vegas newspaper.   -- blaming the whistle for losing all soccer games! The Birmingham Deaf FC, a deaf soccer team that plays in the Birmingham (England) city soccer league, lost all games this season. Why did they lose all games? The players blamed the referees' whistle, saying they cannot hear it and the hearing players take advantage of it. They wanted the referees to use flags instead of whistles. Does DeafDigest agree with the deaf soccer team? No! Deaf athletes know that when the hearing players slow down, the whistle has been blown.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 05/25/14 Blue edition at: 05/25/14 Gold edition at:

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