DeafDigest - 26 May 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 26, 2020 -- a prison for the deaf Could there be a prison, solely for deaf inmates, which would be deaf-friendly? A hearing prisoner, whose brother is deaf, is trying to make the San Quentin prison (California) deaf friendly. He has filed a lawsuit, hoping to force the state to convert a prison wing to a deaf wing. There are fears it is not going to happen.   -- a county tells deaf people not to buy masks that hide mouths The Kittitas County (Washington) government has told the deaf that they should not buy these masks that hide their mouths. It did not say if deaf people should buy see-through masks.   -- a Cuban doctor couldn't believe a deaf girl can ride a bicycle Cuba, not a wealthy nation, has produced many physicians as the nation believes in free access to medical care. Anyway one of the doctors, upon being told that a deaf girl rides a bicycle every day, just couldn't believe it. He felt the deaf cannot ride bicycles!   Deaf jobs - latest update 05/24/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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