DeafDigest - 26 November 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 26, 2018   -- a problem with captioned glasses A frequent user of Captioned Glasses said there is a problem - must find the perfect spot on the glasses between captions and the movie action. It takes quite a lot of balancing out, the deaf user said.   -- fire fighting forensics Many deaf people are not allowed to fight fires even though a few volunteer fire departments welcome deaf fire fighters. What about fire forensics - trying to solve the cause of fires? There is one - Wendy Read, a deaf British woman who is a member of her fire department Research and Intelligence team.   -- Legal Aid for deaf clients For years the Legal Aid office in Jacksonville, Florida had a special program for deaf clients that need legal assistance. Times have changed; deaf clients that need legal assistance must see private attorneys. Reason is that funding for Legal Aid offices depend on interest income from special state funds. When interest rates go down, Legal Aid offices may cut services. Not sure if it is Jacksonville's problem or a problem that hits all Legal Aid offices in USA.   Deaf jobs - latest update 11/25/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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