DeafDigest - 26 November 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 26, 2019 -- volunteer deaf accessibility consultants The Superior Alliance for Independent Living, a non-profit agency in Marquette, Michigan, is looking for deaf volunteers to visit business places and public facilities to look for inaccessibility issues that hearing people are not aware of! A perfect example would be a deaf-unfriendly fast food place with no menus for the deaf to point out to. A simple issue that many restaurant owners are never aware of.   -- deaf truckers unite Do deaf truckers stay in touch with each other while on road? They use the CDLLife App for that networking purposes and making contacts.   -- oral deaf voters rule is now removed Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers signed a bill into a new law that removes requirements for voters to voice out their name and address in order to vote. That means ASL, non-speaking voters can have someone else voice it out for them. This bill was spurred by a non-voice deaf voter feeling humiliated when asked to voice out and as a result, walked out, not voting at all!     Deaf jobs - latest update 11/24/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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