DeafDigest - 26 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 26, 2013   -- the weirdest deaf discrimination lawsuit! The weirdest deaf discrimination lawsuit or the World's Dumbest Deaf Criminal or both? A deaf man wanted to rob a bank. The teller, knowing he was deaf, got him into a slow and careful conversation. The slowness allowed the police to arrive to arrest him. The angry deaf bank robber then filed a lawsuit against the bank accusing it of discrimination!     -- A monkey apology by a past AgBell Executive Director George Fellendorf, who passed away recently, served AgBell as the executive director (1962-1978). What was one of his last acts on the job before he resigned? He wrote a letter of apology to the National Association of the Deaf. Apology for what? The deaf president of AgBell gave a speech at the convention, mocking ASL signers, saying they were monkeys. Fellendorf, very embarrassed about it, apologized on behalf of AgBell.     -- an update on Ashley Fiolek, past champion motocross racer Ashley Fiolek, a 22 year old deaf woman, won five pro national motocross racing championships. She was sponsored by the Red Bull, a big energy drink company. Then last year she announced that she would not be racing motocrosses any more, wanting to move up to racing cars. A year later - what is she doing right now? She says she is touring USA, making personal appearances and giving motivational speeches. Will she race again? Do not know!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/22/13 Blue edition at: 09/22/13 Gold edition at:

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