DeafDigest - 26 September 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 26, 2016 -- clapping not permitted A hearing school in Australia does not permit students to clap their hands. They are, however, permitted to wave their hands - as in Deaf Applause. Hearing school hate hearing students? No. This school has some hearing students that are sensitive to noise from loud clapping, and to protect them, clapping is not allowed! A picture is at:   -- anti-deaf incident at a bar A deaf woman and her three hearing friends entered a Pittsburgh bar. All four of them ordered drinks. The bartender served three hearing friends but refused to serve the deaf woman! Making it worse was that these three hearing friends would not tell the bartender to please serve the deaf woman! Yes, the deaf woman was angry about it, feeling that these hearing people were "fake" friends.   -- a sad piece of Deaf History in Rome There is a sad piece of Deaf History in Rome that very few deaf people know about. Not Rome, Italy, but Rome, New York. A deaf man owned a restaurant in downtown Rome. This restaurant was considered to be the best in the city. The city officials thought a shopping mall would be much better than these downtown stores, and agreed to have it demolished. As a result, the downtown deaf-owned restaurant was wiped out.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- a wasted steamboat trip 09/25/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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