DeafDigest - 26 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 26, 2019 -- difficult for European deaf to understand Brexit When Brexit issues are being discussed at the EU Parliament or anywhere in the media, the deaf people have a hard time understanding. A big reason for it is lack of captions! This is what a deaf British activist said.   -- an obit printed something vague about captions In an obit, it said the deceased worked for TV Time and that this organization was the first to get involved with closed captions. True or not true? The WGBH, a Boston PBS station, was the first one to carry captions during the seventies. Helping develop the testing and the approving of use of Line 21 for captions was the National Bureau of Standards. How and to what extent was TV Time involved? A captioning veteran said: I never heard of TV Time. During my years with open and closed captions, there was never any discussion of TV Time.   -- 7 month count-down for a deaf-owned business Spring 2020 is about seven months away. For Mozzeria, based in San Franciso, the goal is to open a new pizza place on H Street, NE near Gallaudet on or by Spring 2020. Just hope San Francisco-built pizza tastes the same as Washington, DC-built pizza. Water and dough tastes differ region by region, city by city.     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/22/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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