DeafDigest - 27 April 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 27, 2017   -- Rochester plans a deaf-friendly airport The Greater Rochester International Airport is planning to become deaf-friendly. The state Department of Transportation has asked NTID to help with the design to make it deaf-friendly. A picture is at:   -- our hard work for nothing The Deaf Community fought hard for net neutrality, otherwise internet and cable costs may be out of reach of low income deaf. We succeeded only to have the White House FCC appointee announce his plans to block net neutrality. Very frustrating for us.   -- Educators confused between deaf and hearing In Australia, the Queensland's Education Department issued a report that made Indigenous people angry. It said that many students in some communities have an intellectual disability. One of these students was actually deaf, and not intellectually disabled!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Wheel of Fortune 4/23/17 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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