DeafDigest - 27 December 2016

  DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 27, 2016   -- calm and enjoyment in middle of uncertainity Do see this picture at:   -- a strange way of explaining deafness A newspaper in New Zealand ran a story that was titled: Student to start school with both ears working It is saying that two new CI's have made the student's ears OK now! The newspaper did not say that when CI's are taken out, then both ears will not work!   -- ADA, yes or no Some deaf people think they have ADA rights all the time, everywhere. ADA is not magic; government agencies will not enforce ADA - unless - the deaf person files a complaint. And most deaf people don't! ....................................................... We want to wish you all a happy Holidays!! Remember ..if you careful See the video below on: The HealthBridges Team .................................................... Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- international incident by deaf woman 12/25/16 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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