DeafDigest - 27 December 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 27, 2018 -- no wake-up alarm clock in a prison A deaf prisoner was punished in a prison in Georgia. She did not wake up and show up for a prisoner attendance roll call. She protested, saying the prison officials would not allow her to own a wake up alarm clock. And besides no other prisoners would bother to wake her up to help make it to the roll call!   -- wrong description of a deaf play A hearing critic watched a deaf play (helped by stage interpreters). He wrote a review that was titled: wordless play by deaf performers This description is wrong. Deaf plays are never wordless; use of ASL plus use of interpreters are both not wordless.   -- deaf interview different from hearing interview According to a TV reporter, interview with a deaf person is diffrent from interviewing a hearing person. Hearing interviews are routine and commonplace, but a deaf interview brings out different feelings. A TV reporter said it was a different experience.     Deaf jobs – latest update 12/23/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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