DeafDigest - 27 February 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 27, 2015   -- an interesting twitter comment about the deaf Someone made a twitter comment that was interesting. This person said that deaf individuals were responsible for big changes in sports. Examples were the football huddle (Gallaudet's Paul Hubbard), baseball signals (out and strike by Dummy Hoy and Dummy Taylor) and boxing's corner red lights (because deaf boxer Eugene Hairston couldn't hear the bell). Yet deaf athletes are called disabled because they can't hear!   -- a deaf child actor not getting his royalty money There was a story about a former baseball player Roger McDowell getting a check of $13.52 everytime a Jerry Seinfield TV re-run shows him on the program. He was only on the program for less than 10 seconds in 1992. Jeff Bravin, the Executive Director, American School for the Deaf, was a child actor on "And Your Name Is Jonah" TV movie in 1979. Royalties? Bravin said - I wish I had the same agreement McDowell had. I got royalties for the first seven times it was shown, but I have not seen a check in ages. Now it is shown in so many web streaming outlets such as Netflix and Amazon!   -- a sign language dealer in a casino We have a few dealers that are deaf and work in Nevada casinos. What about hearing dealers that know sign language. There is one - LeErica Knight, a dealer at the Ameristar Casino in Vicksburg, Mississippi. She often helps deaf players that come to her casino. She would high-five them when they win money. She knows signs because her sister is deaf.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 2/22/15 Blue edition at: 2/22/15 Gold edition at:

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