DeafDigest - 27 January 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 27, 2014 -- a 12 year old hearing child interprets during mother's childbirth! At a London hospital, deaf mother Nadia Hassan gave birth; the interpreter during the birth was her 12-year old daughter Hulusi Bati. The family was very angry about it. The hospital said there was no time to find a last minute interpreter because of the birth complications. The daughter, while knowing basic sign language, was not able to interpret these complicated medical words. And even worse, when the mother and the baby stayed at the hospital for one week for medical follow ups, the interpreter was not available most of the time.   -- HUD allows deaf to live in deaf subsidized housing The Apache ASL Trails in Arizona, subsidized by the Housing and Urban Development, is now allowed to have 100 percent deaf residents. This was always the goal of the Apache ASL Trails, but the HUD didn't like it because it discriminated against hearing residents. After two years of legal dispute with the Apache ASL Trails officials, the HUD gave up.     -- Paralympics treats deaf like second class citizens? The International Paralympic Committee always wanted to control the Deaflympics. We have refused because we are able bodied, and that we are able to compete with hearing athletes on equal terms. The most recent Paralympics took place in 2012 in London. Past Deaflympics president Craig Crowley, who is deaf, told the BBC Sportshour people during a TV talk show interview that deaf were treated like second class citizens during that 2012 Paralympics. This accusation was quickly denied by the Paralympics officials, but DeafDigest thinks Crowley was correct.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 01/26/14 Blue edition at: 01/26/14 Gold edition at:

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