DeafDigest - 27 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 27, 2017   -- deaf with many skills Ché-Lee Nel, who is deaf, is a singer, actress, model and motivational speaker in Johannesburg, South Africa. She will be making her first album of her songs at a theater. Her age? Just 10 years old! Her picture is at:   -- pushing for open captions in one state A bill is being proposed in Nebraska to force theaters to offer open captions at theaters with at least five screens at one location. These captions are to be shown at least twice a week with films that has this open feature. Will opponents fight the bill? Sure!   -- Halloween prank in January A deaf man in Florida was arrested and charged for being a public nuisance. What was his crime? Wearing a mop on top of his head, knocking the neighbor's door, and asking to "borrow" an egg. The deaf man said he meant no harm, and that the mop was a joke and he really needed one egg. The neighbor waa not amused because Halloween is out of season.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- anti-deaf eugenicist 1/22/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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