DeafDigest - 27 July 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 27, 2011

-- Last name of a past president was Deaf!

A newspaper ran a short story about politics
in Senegal. It mentioned the name of its past
president - Abode Deaf! His real name is
Abdou Diouf, but the newspapers in Senegal
have constantly referred to him as Abode Deaf.
Not sure why, but possibly a Sengalese translation
of Diouf is Deaf?

-- A disk jockey makes an anti-subtitles comment

British disk jockey Sara Cox, not deaf, tweeted her
anger over seeing subtitles at a movie she was watching.
She was angry because subtitles "bothered" her eyes.
This tweet upset the Deaf Community. As a result she
had to come up with a public apology for this uncalled
for tweet.

-- A deaf volunteer at a police department

Tina Duresky, who is deaf, is a volunteer with
the Avondale Police Department in Arizona.
She teaches sign language and advises police officers
on how to deal with the deaf in every day situations.
Not only that, she is also a police lab volunteer,
putting her knowledge of forensic science into use.
She has a AA degree in forensics. The Arizona Peace
Officer Standards and Training Board has recognized
her as an instructor in the "Law Enforcement and the
Deaf Community (Invisible Disability)" classes, for
which police officers get credit. When not busy
with police volunteering, she can be found volunteering
as referee in community athletic events.

-- A deaf scholar with four college degrees

How many deaf people have four college degrees.
A few. One of them is Donna McDonald. She has
two undergraduate degrees, a masters and a doctorate.
An Australian, she is a Senior Lecturer with Griffith
University's Department of Disability Studies. Her
constant theme over the years was always this:

The Art of Being Deaf

-- Could the deaf serve in the military - the truth!

Could the deaf serve in the American military forces?
People are saying that the deaf should not serve because
they cannot hear. What is the truth? According to
Keith Nolan, a deaf man who wants to serve but was not
able to, only 20 percent of the member of the military
actually fight in the real wars. The other 80 percent
serve in non-combat roles. Nolan wants to be in the
80 percent group, helping the military with spy work.
Could he? DeafDigest says yes!


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