DeafDigest - 27 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 27, 2020 -- choice of jobs, now and past Years ago, a deaf person, graduating from a school for the deaf, was told that he could either become a baker or a printer or a shoemaker. This is pretty much the same in Bulgaria during the Communist years - factory job, become an optician or dental technician. Times have changed and qualified deaf people can aspire for better jobs. They just have to fight for it.   -- FCC confessing or non-confessing FCC said they have made progress on accessibility in smart devices for the deaf - but that there have been gaps and failures. A confession of failure or a non-confession of failure? Do not know.   -- face masks hiding mouth or clear face masks A group of small business owners were polled for choice of face masks hiding the faces or see-through face masks. A huge majority of these business people have preferred clear face masks - for one big reason - lip reading!   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/26/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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