DeafDigest - 27 June 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 27, 2018   -- reason stage performers hate interpreters We have heard stories of stage performers (actors, comedians, singers) hating interpreters. Even some of them have physically pushed the interpreters off the stage. Why? Many perfomers have huge egos and want audience attention on them, and not on interpreters. This is what one comedian, himself that welcomes interpreters, said! A picture is at:   -- a police-warning device Do we need police-warning device? There was a National Invention Convention and Entrepreneurship Expo that took place recently. One of the proposed inventions was a police-warning device. It is a bracelet that blinks lights when a police officer is nearby. This is a puzzle. If we are doing nothing wrong, then why would a nearby police officer scare us?   -- a deaf child separated from his hearing mother There are horror stories of migrant children separated from their parents. One such story involves a deaf child taken away from his hearing mother. An attorney working with the hearing mother said: Her son is deaf, so they can't communicate. That means a short voice telephone call is impossible. Very sad!   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- accidential actor 06/24/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:       -- Check out the new post about how trauma can change you on HealthBridges HealthBridges is a website to learn about behavioral health and social service resources for Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing People Happy Summer :) The HealthBridges Team

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