DeafDigest - 27 March 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 27, 2013 -- a deaf finger built from bicycle parts! Few deaf people have lost fingers because of accidents. It often is a problem while trying to fingerspell or to sign some gestures. Colin Macduff, not deaf, has an amputated finger. He could not get a prosthetic finger. Frustrated, he got creative and built his own prosthetic finger from bicycle parts! Thrilled, he started a business, creating prosthetic fingers. A finger costs $5,500 and a thumb costs $9,500. His prices are lower than otherprosthetic manufacturers. He would be happy to help a deaf patient that needs a new finger.     -- a faked hearing exam New Zealand requires newly born babies to be tested for hearing. A scandal came up when the government Ministry of Health learned that about 10 of the nation's 110 hearing screeners were not honest with the exams. They would sign papers, saying the baby is hearing without testing them. The angry government fired these screeners. One baby, signed off as hearing, was deaf, and the parents didn't know about it until a year and half later! Other babies were lucky; they were hearing without being tested.     -- Sean Forbes' new musical album - is it making him a rich man? We have several deaf rockers in the world of music. A better known deaf rocker is Sean Forbes. He is working on his first musical album. Do albums make rockers wealthy? For a few rockers, yes, but for many rockers, no. Many things are expensive (studio time, engineering, payroll costs, art work, etc, etc). If a rocker sells 10,000 albums, he is "successful" - just hope Forbes will sell more than 10,000 albums. The late Michael Jackson was rumored to have sold nearly 500,000,000 albums!     -- March 30th is very important day for all of us As of March 30th all captioned programs on TV must be captioned if it is shown again on the internet. The FCC asks you to file a complaint if you do not see captions on the video of the same captioned program that was shown on TV.     -- Nebraska cuts back on relay funds for good reason! the Nebraska Public Service Commission will charge telephone users 3 cents per month, instead of 4 cents per month. This one cent drop means $240,000 less to fund the free TTY distribution program and for the deaf relay services. Bad news for the deaf in Nebraska? No! Too much past money was collected, exceeding the state limit. This is the reason for the one cent reduction. Nebraska, by the way, may be the only state in USA that has surcharge on BOTH the regular telephones and on cell phones!     03/24/13 Blue edition at: 03/24/13 Gold edition at:

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