DeafDigest - 27 November 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 27, 2014   -- deaf man says he is successful stock market trader A deaf man posted his article on the web today, saying he has been making a great living, making a lot of money with his full time stock trading business. And that he has been giving a lot of financial advice with hearing clients. His name is James DePorre. Personally, DeafDigest is always wary, because people that make great money normally don't brag about it!   -- Kevin Hall, the deaf professional golfer What has become of Kevin Hall, the deaf professional golfer? At Ohio State, he won the Big Ten golf championship, and took part in five big PGA pro tournaments in 2005 and 2006. He did not make the cut in these pro tournaments. What has become of him today? The ESPN said he is playing in minor league mini-tours. He did take part in one deaf golf tournament, and won it very easily by runaway scores. When he was younger he attended St Rita School for the Deaf. In golf he regularly shoots in the low seventies, but in big time pro golf, one has to shoot mid-sixties just to survive.   -- is the FCC advisory committee a joke? The FCC has announced it is setting up a special advisory committee to discuss disability issues. Is that a joke? When we tell FCC we want open captions, are they going to listen to us? No. When we tell the FCC that we want 911 text emergency services at every single police station in USA, FCC is not going to listen to us. And when we work with hearing disabled representatives on that committee, the hearing disabled people tend to push us out. So, in other words, is that new committee a joke? Yes.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 11/23/14 Blue edition at: 11/23/14 Gold edition at:

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