DeafDigest - 27 November 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 27, 2019 -- reason for not using family and friends as interpreters A police department said when there is an issue involving the deaf, they prefer to use professional interpreters as opposed to family members or friends as interpreters. Reason is neutrality and confusion with different sign language dialects among these non-interpreters that use ASL.   -- Stuffed Sign Language Stuffed Animals using sign language? A sign language teacher, frustrated with the struggles of her hearing students learning ASL, has been using stuffed animals in the classroom. She uses the stuffed animals to teach the students how to express ASL gestures!   -- a very deaf-unfriendly bank A bank blocked the credit card of a deaf patron. The bank had an issue with a transaction a deaf person made at a store and texted him about it. The deaf person replied but the bank required a voice call and would not accept a third party voice call. This went on and forth for almost 10 months until it was straightened out. The bank said it is deaf-friendly but their rules and procedures were anti-deaf!     Deaf jobs - latest update 11/24/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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