DeafDigest - 27 September 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 27, 2016 -- captions and non-captions A deaf man was vacationing in London and stayed at a hotel. The TV in the hotel lobby showed captions. The TV in his room showed no captions - of the same program! Something funny going on? A picture is at:   -- angry at a deaf lipreader an oralist deaf person, knowing no signs, depends on lipreading. At a meeting, that deaf person sat in the front row and watched the lips of all speakers. One speaker didn't like being "stared" at by the deaf lipeader and accused him of being rude. Anyway that hearing speaker turned his back to the lipreader for the rest of his speech!   -- nearly 170 people were arrested In Bangalore, India, a rapid transit officer was suspicious when a bus ticket looked like a fake, shown by a non-disabled passenger. That passenger tried to fake his deafness. The officer then asked for the disability certificate. The certificate showed a stamped seal but with wrong spelling. It should be spelled "Disabled Welfare Officer, Bangalore Urban district" but the wrong word was used. Instead of "urban" it was spelled "Croan." The fake-deaf passenger was arrested and after further questioning, it was learned that many such fake certificates were distributed. Eventually nearly 170 passengers carrying these fake certificates were arrested!     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Airport ticket counter employee got confused 09/25/16 Blue and Gold editions at:      

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