DeafDigest - 27 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 27, 2019 -- a fact about Glennie we didn't know about Evelyn Glennie, who is deaf, is one of the world's best musicians, playing with percussion instruments. She faced a career crisis when 9/11 took place. She travels everywhere in the world, giving performances. Before 9/11 she was able to bring all of her musical instruments. Because of travel restrictions after 9/11 she cannot bring her instruments. Instead she has learned how to adapt to instruments that are given her at different cities, even if she wasn't comfortable with it!   -- CI surgeon's interesting comment A CI surgeon said that he does not understand why there are some CI successes and also some CI failures!   -- a deaf child on his own An obit today said that the deceased, who was deaf, had to be brave as a child. He lived quite a distance from a deaf school, requiring a long bus ride all by himself. He had to change buses at one station. He carried a note around his neck, telling people of his name and his destination so that he could be helped by them! It worked. This method, however, is not a good idea these days.     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/22/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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