DeafDigest - 28 April 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 28, 2016 -- deaf chef that kitchen people love Kristofer Jonsson is a deaf chef with the restaurant at the Christchurch Casino in New Zealand. The kitchen staff loves him because he never screams at them even when things go wrong with anything. He said, in a TV interview, that because of his deafness, he sees no point in screaming at his staff! He is fluent with New Zealand sign language and the TV interview was interpreted for him. See his picture, with an irony, at:   -- a highway we may love or hate If you are driving through Brantford, Ontario you may be surprised to see part of Highway 403 as the Alexander Graham Bell Parkway. This is not a joke. This was an act enacted by the Ontario Transportation Department. Reason - honoring the invention of the telephone.   -- fate of a deaf restaurant With much hoopla, Deafined, a deaf restaurant in Vancouver, BC opened in May 2015. The waiter staff was all-deaf and they taught diners how to communicate in ASL. Few months later it closed up for good. Why? Lousy food or discomfort with all-deaf staff or too much competition with these Vancouver restaurants?   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf high employment in one field 04/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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